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Nový Bor Chess Club

1st Nový Bor Chess Club has been founded in 2001 and among its long-term goals, there was the development of a strong, internationally acknowledged stable chess club providing a supportive base for members of all ages. The club has put the North Bohemian town on the chess world map by producing ten champions of the Czech Republic and by successes in the European chess club setting, where its members have gained six medals. The club won the European Chess Club Cup in 2013 and in 2022, silver medals collected in 2014, 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2023.  

The club is also active in organizing chess events. Nový Bor Chess Corrida (2011 – 2019) where the Nový Bor members had a chance to face opponents of world-class level, has established its name both home and abroad. The Nový Bor Club also keeps the long tradition of organizing the Fejfar memorial, which was first held in 1962 to honor one of the best chess players of the region, Věnceslav Fejfar. 

Another event of the 1st Nový Bor Chess Club is the Prague International Chess Festival, which was first held in 2019.

Město Praha
Karel Janeček
Šachový svaz České republiky
Don Giovanni Hotel Prague
Czech Inn Hotels
Decision 21
1. Novoborský šachový klub
European Chess Union
Radiožurnál Sport | Český rozhlas