20. - 30. June 2023
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019
Next year
25/02 - 07/03/2025

Our Mission

The idea of organizing a chess festival in Prague first emerged in 2017, and almost immediately, preparations were set in motion. The first year of the Prague International Chess Festival took place in March 2019 at the four-star Don Giovanni Hotel Prague. 

A central vision was to create an environment that enhances the skills of every participating player. We firmly believe that through our advancement system, the festival nurtures sportsmanship, fosters the desire to win, instills confidence in one's abilities, and motivates individuals in a healthy way to develop.

The long-term vision of this project is to establish a tradition of such a chess festival in the Czech Republic that can rival today's most prestigious super tournaments in terms of both sportsmanship and organization.

The game of chess reflects culture